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A New Approach to Effective 21st Century Leadership™

Our unique vantage point—an indepth knowledge across cultures of collective insight about leadership coupled with first-hand experience—forms the foundation of our practical leadership development framework.

The world is in a massive realignment process.

The environmental, social, political, and economic conditions we face at the beginning of the 21st Century have forever changed the roles and responsibilities of today’s leaders. The world is changing, and we must learn and change with it.

A critical step in becoming an effective leader is to assess honestly one’s own understanding of what it means to be a good leader, and to gain insight into one’s own personal leadership skills and style.

Get A Leadership Self-Assessment

To cultivate you own self-awareness, we have created a Leadership Self-Assessment Short Form tailored to our workshops
Self Assessment Short Form
You will be redirected to download the self assessment after submission.

A Unique Vantage Point

Effective 21st Century Leadership

To survive and grow in this changing world, leaders are discovering that new, more sustainable and inclusive approaches to leading are essential. These requirements are redefining who leaders are, what they do, and where they reside within a group. They are even redefining the very nature of the relationship between the leaders and those who, historically, have been called followers. 

Furthermore, evidence is mounting worldwide that leaders and organizations who ignore these changing requirements and continue to adhere to traditional leadership identities and definitions put their entire enterprise in jeopardy. 

What We Offer

The Callaway Leadership Institute offers one-on-one confidential leadership/mentoring coaching, as well as a variety of practical leadership development activities including topic-specific virtual workshops and courses. We also offer, in person or online, Effective 21st Century Leadership: The 7 Aspirations, a year-long comprehensive leadership development program to organizations seeking to strengthen the leadership capabilities of its key employees.  

What Our Clients Are Saying

“Marguerite is a leadership expert who has extensive global experience in developing leaders. In working with Marguerite, she has displayed intuition, wisdom, and adaptability to various cultures of the world. Marguerite’s keen knowledge of leadership and ability to teach theory in the most practical way makes her one of the few preeminent scholars of our time. Furthermore, Marguerite is an Executive Coach to many global leaders and executives. Marguerite is recommended to any organization that is serious about being ahead of its peers and leapfrogging competition.”

- Lawrence Mlotshwa, MBA

Managing Director, Mantuzela Management Services

Republic of South Africa

“Marguerite Callaway brings her unique style of leadership development from the depths of her own leadership journey.  She draws from her strong feminine traits to encourage all she works with to celebrate the fullness of their talents and be courageous in investing in the journey to achieve their purpose in life.

Marguerite Callaway draws on her own extensive USA, African, and broader international experience to weave inspirational narratives and fit for purpose tools to enables leaders across sectors, age groups and geographic locations to engage meaningfully on their personal journeys.  Marguerite has an intuitive sensing capability to draw all her participants into the room – physical or virtual – that allows them to be present and enjoy the learning and sharing processes she devises with skill and professionalism.

Callaway’s leadership development style and approach is one best suited for the troubled world we are in that requires strong relational skills paired with deep content knowledge and capacity to use information technology as an enabler of both learning and execution of tasks, as well as monitoring and evaluation for further learning. I have the privilege of watching Marguerite work with teams under different circumstances.  She has the skill to help teams in times of crises and celebration, to turn each moment into a teaching and learning opportunity.  She is credited with supporting and strengthening teams in the health and education arenas in my own country and abroad.

The Callaway Leadership Institute’s Leadership Development offerings are a treat you should not miss!”

- Mamphela Ramphele, MD, PhD

Co-President the Club of Rome

Co-Founder of Reimagine SA

“I first met Marguerite in 2009 as one of her students, attending her Leadership Module in South Africa. The fact that we are now colleagues; as are many more of her former students throughout Southern Africa, is a testament to her commitment and passion for the continued development of people. Her worldwide experience enables her to deliver very relevant ‘leadership’; from corporate-level multinationals in the USA to Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) in rural Africa, it works! Engaging with Marguerite secures an effective, collaborative, lasting partnership.”

- Clive Whelan

Head of International Operations & ETD at Calibre Clinical Consultants

Republic of South Africa

“Marguerite became my mentor and coach in developing our NGO’s youth leadership programming. I was personally very fortunate to have Ms. Callaway as a lecturer, as she truly inspired her students to think outside the box and create new practical ways to navigate the world of international development. She had faith in our work and helped us grow our programming and leadership skills. Under her mentorship, our youth leadership program grew, becoming more professional, taking on an enhanced global platform in South Africa, Malaysia, and Canada; inspiring youth globally to start their own NGOs.”

- Sunyata A Choyce

Senior Consultant at Choyce Humanitarian Consulting

Director of Project COLORS International, Canada

The Effective 21st Century Leadership™ approach:

Reintroduces ethics and values into the leadership roleIncorporates emotional intelligence as a core competencyCultivates "systems thinking" rather than "single-point" solutionsRecognizes that different challenges require different types of leadership approachesAcknowledges that people are an organization's most important assetBalances competition with collaboration and cooperationUses engagement and involvement rather than brute force to bring about change

Featured Course

Mastering Five Essential People Skills for Career Advancement

Through our online platform, we offer a blended model of learning that allows for asynchronous learning. Every week, we provide you with pre-recorded short video content accompanied by topic-specific assessments, self-reflections, and practical homework assignments. We combine this content with live interactions with our facilitator and with other participants throughout the course.

The course is evidence-based and uses experiential learning to bring the concepts to life. The work is cumulative; each session builds on prior work and real-time application throughout the ten weeks.

Content is augmented by topic-specific short videos highlighting each essential people skill and its relevance for 21st-century leaders.

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A New Approach to Effective 21st Century Leadership™
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