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Welcome to our Media page where we provide links to interviews and podcasts in which Marguerite explores various aspects of 21st Century Leadership. They are listed by category:


Recorded by KSVY Sonoma Radio 91.3 FM and streaming globally at KSVY.ORG

Beginning in January 2024, every Thursday morning, Marguerite has a live conversation with Morning Show Host, Ronny Joe Grooms about aspects of 21st Century leadership, during a time of uncertainty and unprecedented change. You can download the KSVY App and listen live or access them here to listen at your convenience.

There is a natural, sequential flow to the weekly conversations as each 20-minute segment begins with a specific topic, provides an example of a contemporary leader who embodies that leadership quality, and offers a ‘homework assignment’ so that you can cultivate your own leadership capabilities. However, each podcast can be listened to as a ‘self-contained conversation’ to allow you to listen to any of the conversations that resonate that with you and your own leadership journey in the moment.  

Sept 26,2024 TOPIC: AUTHORITARIAN AND DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP—What is the historical context and how has it has evolved over the decades. Why the distinction is important at this pivot point in governance/leadership  across the globe.
May 23, 2024 TOPIC: FIXED AND GROWTH MINDSETS - What are they, how are they formed and how they determine one’s approach to leadership and your interactions with others. We finish the last few minutes of our conversation discussing the various capabilities I offer at the Callaway Leadership Institute.  1:1 Coaching packages, topic-specific online courses for specific leadership skill development. You can also sign up for my weekly blog.
May 2, 2024 TOPIC: PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL CREDIBILITY- What is it? How leaders gain and lose it, and why people demand it. Credibility, an essential quality of transformational leaders and demonstrates that you are trustworthy and reliable. We explore the six practices that leaders do every day that earns them credibility.
April 25, 2024 TOPIC: THE 4TH QUALITY OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP-Idealized Influence. The two most important questions of leaders are “Who are you? Can I trust you?” Transformational Leaders have learned to ‘walk their talk’, and have adopted the following attitude: “We can be a winning team because of our faith in each other. I need your support to achieve this mission.” (20 Min).
April 18, 2024, TOPIC: THE 3RD QUALITY OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP—Intellectual Stimulation. The desire to grow and master new skills and gain further insight is an innate quality of human nature. We like challenges. Transformational Leaders are able to engage their team and others in developing new ideas and approaches to address the complex issues we are facing, locally and globally. (20 Min)
04-11-2024  Topic: The 2nd Quality of Transformational Leadership: Individualized Consideration; The ability to understand and cultivate the talent and capabilities of each team member. No ‘cloning’ necessary as all skills and capabilities are needed to achieve your shared vision.
04-04-2024.(20 Min) Topic: The 1st Quality of Transformational Leadership: Providing a Compelling Vision of A Positive Future that people can understand and be motived by. Especially important during times of uncertainty and unprecedented change.
March 28, 2024, Topic: Transformational Leadership And Its Core Qualities And How To Distinguish Between The ‘real Deal’ And Pseudo Transformational Leadership. (20 Minutes)
MARCH 21, 2024, TOPIC: RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT—THE 4TH COMPETENCY OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE and why it integrates all three other competencies that transformational leaders use to achieve their goal of positive change. (20 minutes)
March 14, 2024, Topic: Courage And Why It Is A Key Element Of 21st Century Leadership. (20 Minutes)
March 7, 2024, TOPIC: Social awareness and its link to the human qualities of Empathy and Compassion These allow Transformational Leaders to appreciate  the perspective of others, including and especially those that “are NOT like me.” This extended conversation begins with a brief recording of two young transformational leaders who embody empathy and compassion. (37 Minutes)
February 29, 2024, Topic: Social Awareness, The 3rd Competency Of Emotional Intelligence, The Ability That Transformational Leaders Have To Appreciate The Emotions Of Others—the Ability To ‘walk A Mile’, In Their Shoes. (20 Minutes)
February 22, 2024, Topic: ‘emotional Hijacking’, What Is It And What You Can Do To Overcome Its Negative Impact On My Behavior And My Relationships. (20 Minutes)
February 15, 2024, Topic: Self-management, The 2nd Emotional Intelligence Competency That Helps Transformational Leaders ‘keep Their Cool’ In Challenging Situations.
February 8, 2024, Topic: Self-awareness, The 1st Competency Of Emotional Intelligence That Transformational Leaders Have Mastered. (20 Minutes)
February 1, 2024, Topic: Intuition—a Non-linear Way Of Thinking/being And How It Relates To Successful Leadership. (20 Minutes)
January 25, 2024, Topic: The Two Types Of Causality—linear And Synchronistic – Successful Transformational Leaders Use Both In Their Work And Their Lives. (20 Minutes)
January 18, 2024, Topic: The Other Hard-wired Human Quality-desire For Mastery That Counterbalances Our Fear Of Change. (20 Minutes)

New Dimensions Radio Dialogues With Co-founder And Host Justine Willis Toms.

Leadership is Needed at ALL Levels of Society Program #C0603 Mar 4, 2024

(15 minutes) Marguerite explains that leadership is not a title but a way of being, that can be cultivated by anyone.

Effective Leadership Skills: A Lifelong Practice Program #3805 Feb 25, 2024

(60 minutes) Skillful leadership is needed in all aspects of our everyday lives even if we’re not employed full-time. These skills can be applied in our households and the many other groups in which we participate. We all need to be lifelong learners in developing strong and effective leadership and problem-solving skills as we continue to engage with others.


Compassionate Leadership in 2024 A conversation with Rick Hanson & Rachael Ebanks-Gold of Global Compassion Coalition You Tube Video (60 minutes)

Nov 8, 2024. During her conversation with Rick and Rachael, Marguerite explores the obsolescence of traditional leadership models and the emergence of more effective leadership paradigms. She explains why the integration of emotional intelligence into the workplace is happening worldwide, to help bridge the gap between a manager’s or leader’s technical expertise and their human connections, thus creating fertile ground for a more compassionate future at work.   

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