Imagine that this is the year that you:
Here’s your opportunity to do all of the above, by making a commitment to level up your career by strengthening your people skills and leadership strategies.
Internationally recognized leadership development expert Marguerite Callaway is offering a teaching intensive to a highly select group of students, those truly committed to enhancing their people skills. This new course combines decades of insight working closely with individual leaders and their teams in numerous contexts. Places are strictly limited and are available on a first-come, first-served basis – so book now to ensure you don’t miss out.
Through our online platform, we offer a blended model of learning that allows for asynchronous learning. Every week, we provide you with pre-recorded short video content accompanied by topic-specific assessments, self-reflections, and practical homework assignments.
Content is augmented by topic-specific short videos highlighting each essential people skill and its relevance for 21st-century leaders.
Each week you will receive a handout for the course, and a homework assignment that include Self-Reflections, Assessments of your current people skill competency. Every two weeks Marguerite will host a live zoom session to answer any questions about the conetnt to date. Following this whole group discussion you will be placed in breakout rooms with fellow aprticipants. The Sessions will be recorded and made available a few days after. The work is cumulative; each week builds on prior work and exercises.
Topics for the Ten Modules:
For 60+ years, educational institutions, private industry, and government agencies have focused on developing technical specialists.
We have trained specialists successfully in all fields of endeavor: IT, Clinical, Financial, Scientific, Business, etc. etc. We ‘know’ so much more than previous generations could ever have imagined. And yet we struggle in organizations, communities, and countries that to bring about innovations and new initiatives to address the complex challenges we face.
Contemporary research from across the globe has found what truly transformational leaders have discovered throughout history.
Even a giant global technology company, Google, evaluates all potential hires through the lens of people skills associated with emotional intelligence (EI). It’s not surprising as EI is recognized as foundational for fourteen essential leadership skills.
Through our online platform, we offer a blended model of learning that allows for asynchronous learning. Every week, we provide you with pre-recorded short video content accompanied by topic-specific assessments, self-reflections, and practical homework assignments. We combine this content with live interactions with our facilitator and with other participants throughout the course.
The course is evidence-based and uses experiential learning to bring the concepts to life. The work is cumulative; each session builds on prior work and real-time application throughout the ten weeks. Every session includes:
You will be directed to complete your topic-specific Self-Assessments, Self-Reflections, and Homework Assignments in your Personal Leadership Journal between sessions. These exercises are intended to help you apply what you are learning in real-time.
We complement your individual work with four live sessions with Marguerite and your fellow participants. Every two weeks she will host a live 90-minute ZOOM call to answer any questions that have arisen and give you the opportunity to share your insights/experiences with her and fellow participants. Following a whole group discussion, you will enter breakout rooms to practice the specific people skill with one another.
In our 1st Session I, Marguerite will present the ten-week Roadmap that you and your fellow participants will undertake individually and together throughout the course. You will meet your fellow participants and learn of their desired outcomes. You will receive a Module 1 Handout (PDF) as well as an individual code to access the EQ Self-Appraisal® Self-Edition to create baseline data on “Where I am now”. You will complete your individual EQ Assessment as Homework prior to the next session.
In our 2nd Session Marguerite will present the overall framework of emotional intelligence and the research results linking it to so many leadership skills. You will learn about ‘fixed- and growth- mindsets’ and how you can apply self-directed neuroplasticity to modify how your mind processes information. You will learn how to use your EQ Self-Appraisal results to focus on specific EQ skill development. In addition to the Module 2 PDF Handout, you will receive a Personal Leadership Journal (in PDF format) to track your progress throughout the program, including milestones and personal reflections. Your Homework Assignment is to add the insights you’ve received from your EQ Self-Appraisal into your Journal.
Marguerite will host a live ZOOM call to answer any questions you may have about the course content to date you have. Following this whole group discussion with fellow participants, you will be placed in breakout rooms for smaller group discussions among like-minded professional colleagues on their own leadership journey. You will share insights you have gained about the value of cultivating your emotional intelligence.
In our 4th Session, Marguerite will explain why Active Listening—a special kind of listening—is a learned skill that all effective leaders have mastered. You will learn why active listening has become challenging in most work settings and how active listening is foundational for strengthening your emotional intelligence. You will complete a self-assessment to evaluate your Listening Habits. Your Homework Assignment will allow you to practice what you’ve learned about listening at work and in your personal life. Use your Personal Leadership Journal to record the results of three 1:1 interactions when you used active listening in conversation with another person.
In our 5th Session, Marguerite will describe the people skill of giving Impactful Feedback and why it is essential for changing behavior and obtaining desired outcomes. I will explain why Active Listening is an essential component of providing Impactful Feedback. She will share a short video allowing you to discover how the brain’s innate response to perceived criticism makes giving feedback a challenge for most individuals. Your PDF Handout contains an Impactful Feedback Template that provides you with a Four-part Feedback Formula to use in feedback sessions with colleagues and in your personal life. For your Homework Assignment you will apply what you’ve learned in at least one feedback session at work, real-time. You will add the insights you’ve gained about giving feedback to your Personal Leadership Journal.
Marguerite will host a live ZOOM call to answer any questions you may have about the course content to date. We will discuss your experiences applying the people skills of active listening and impactful feedback. Following the larger group discussion, you will be placed in breakout rooms to practice giving Impactful Feedback while also using your Active Listening skills during a 1:1 conversation with another course participant.
During our 7th Session, Marguerite will explain why Effective Communication is essential to having strong interpersonal skills. She will introduce the concept of different communication styles, and a description of each one. You will learn how your own communication style influences your interactions with others at work and in your personal life. For your Homework Assignment, you will complete a self-diagnostic using a Communication Style Template to confirm your preferred communication style. You will reflect on two recent interactions with a colleague at work and explore what impact your communication style had on the interactions. You will explore how your newly acquired people skills can influence your communication style and how they can impact positively your effectiveness with your teams/colleagues/superiors.
In our 8th Session, Marguerite will present a well-known, contemporary personality profile framework, and explain how one’s innate personality profile influences all interactions with others. You will learn how it has influenced your career success and how it may give you challenges when interacting with your professional colleagues and teams. Your Homework Assignment is to complete a Personality Profile Assessment to gain insight into the characteristics of your personality. You will be asked to evaluate the personality profile of two of your most significant colleagues—your direct supervisor and an important teammate. This will help you identify how miscommunication may occur due to different personalities. Add the insights to your Personal Leadership Journal that you’ve gained about how your communication style and personality profile are inextricably linked your people skills.
Marguerite will host a live ZOOM call to answer any questions you may have about the course content to date. I will review briefly all five people skills and how they are inter-related. We will explore together how they can positively impact your career advancement. She will explain your last Homework Assignment, which is to prepare an individual Leadership Action Plan going forward that you will present to me and fellow participants during our final session.
During our 10th Session together, you will present a Concrete Action Plan For Career Advancement—getting the job you really want. You will declare to other participants what insights you’ve gained about yourself and your work colleagues and how you’ve integrated practical people skills into your interactions at work. You will define areas of ongoing improvement of your people skills and leadership strategies.
What you will learn: In this ten-week intensive I teach you the people skills that all current and aspiring leaders must master, as they assume more leadership responsibilities.
This includes:
START DATE: Wednesday Sept. 18th, 2024
END DATE: Wednesday, Nov 20th, 2024
Time Zones: